SMIFC: 2018 SMIFC会议场地竞赛

The 学生管理投资基金联盟(SMIFC) is pleased to announce a student pitch competition hosted by Kaplan in conjunction with our 6th annual conference October 4th and 5th in Chicago.

今年新, we were inviting schools to participate in a pitch competition that included a 5-page paper with maximum 5-pages of attachments or a 7-minute YouTube video. All the entries were of very high quality and there were just four points separating the top three papers. It was a difficult choice for the CFA panel that judged the papers but the winners were declared as:

第一名 - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire - Team: Brock Schauer, Ben Zielinski, and Kyle Kolb - 查看论文
2日的地方 -杜鲁门州立大学-团队:Daniel D 'Nagy和Ben Wingo 查看论文
排名第3位 - Hofstra University - Team: Thomas Maciura, Suveer Seemangal, and Emalee Jimenez - 查看论文

视频比赛的优胜者由与会者投票决定. 这次比赛的获胜者是:

第一名 - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire - Team: Brock Schauer, Ben Zielinski, and Kyle Kolb - 查看视频
2日的地方 - University of Nebraska-Kearney -  Team:Tristan Crook, Adam Starr and Madisson Whalen 查看视频
排名第3位 -电子游戏试玩-团队:Carlos Garcia, Jr., Devan Lunceford, Corey Maxedon和Tyler Thies 查看视频

We would like to thank the CFA panel who scored the papers and offered their insights to them:

约翰砖他是Altman Advisors的CFA副投资组合经理
莫莉卡尔他是北方信托(Northern Trust) CFA高级投资组合经理
迈克德鲁克, CFA Executive Director of Business Development and Investments Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois

Student teams are invited to represent their university in the competition. 团队可以以多种方式参与. The first is a 7-minute (maximum) YouTube video describing the team’s analysis and recommendations for the subject company. 第二种竞争方式是通过书面论文. Written papers should be no more than 5 pages of narrative with no more than 5 pages of exhibits (a maximum of 10 pages total). Teams are invited to participate in both the video and written portions of the pitch competition. Awards will be given for 1st through 3rd place video pitches and also for the best paper.

SMIFC member schools may have more than one team represented in the competition. Non-member SMIF schools are invited to participate as well but will be limited to one student team participating in each the video or paper portions of the competition.

Schools that submit to either the video or paper competitions should plan to have at least one member of the team present at the conference. 最好所有的团队成员都能参加. 理想的团队成员是3人. 2名、3名或4名学生组成的团队将符合资格. Teams of less than 2 students or more than 4 students are ineligible for the competition.


视频提交时间不迟于东部时间2018年9月21日下午5点. Teams should include a brief email with their video submission identifying their school affiliation and the team member’s names. There should be no identification of school affiliation or team member’s names in the video itself. 提交视频,请联系 米歇尔 who will provide a URL to which you may upload your video; alternatively you may upload your video to a hosting service such as Youtube or Vimeo and provide him with the video URL

论文应提交给 no later than 5pm Eastern, September 21, 2018. 提交论文一式两份. 一份应注明所属学校及队员姓名. The second copy should omit any identifying information; this copy will be forwarded to reviewers for grading. 论文应提交给 米歇尔

所有条目, 视频和论文提交, 会在星期四的宴会上得到认可吗, 10月4日., 2018. The winning paper will be announced and the top 5 videos will be shown during the banquet. 前三名视频将由“人民选择”评选。.  Each table will have will have a score sheet and the results will be tallied and announced during the banquet.

The decisions of the judges, reviewers, and SMIFC leadership shall be final and not contestable. Every effort shall be made to insure blind and impartial review of all submissions.


All student participants entitled to preferred pricing through conference attendance. Kaplan will build a dedicated portal for participants to access which will house a variety of offerings to address the diverse needs of students (CFA, 纳, CAIA, CFP教育/备考复习, 您/证券许可, 保险许可证)

Pitch competition winners (3 - 4 students) would each receive a scholarship for Kaplan Schweser's Premium 在线 Instruction Package (extended expiration of two years). 每位收件人价值1099美元. 


Pitch competition teams #2 and #3 (4 -8 total students) would each receive a SchweserNotes Package. 每位收件人价值379美元. 

Paper competition winners (2-4) students would each receive a SchweserNotes Package. 每位收件人价值379美元. 


This project is a financial analysis exercise of the subject company Apple, Inc. (股票代码:apple). Financial ratios, valuation models and other statistics and variables can be used in the analysis. 宏观经济行业, and company specific data that are necessary to complete the analysis can be obtained from the following resources:






Use the techniques and tools you studied in your 金融 classes to address the following questions and topics:

  • 随着时间的推移,苹果开发了多么特殊的业务利基啊?
  • 苹果在各地区的投资多元化程度如何, 以及国际经济问题?
  • Is the firm's asset portfolio heavily invested in assets that are likely to be affected by sharp regional, 国内或国际经济, 财政或政治, 变化?
  • 苹果的财务优势和劣势是什么? 用财务比率来回答这个问题.
  • How well have the stockholders of AAPL faired over the last three to five years? Compare AAPL's stock performance to the Dow Jones Industrial Average or other market index and to its peers
  • What is the intrinsic value (target price) of AAPL’s stock relative to its market value? 股票是高估了还是低估了? 
  • 你会推荐买进这支股票吗?







We gratefully acknowledge Kaplan for providing the awards for the winning projects.

